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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

How To Unroot Any Android

Android Phone’s is mostly uses phone’s now-days. most of the people who thinks like developer’s already root his/her phone’s to get all the function’s of your android but some of the people never know what you will get after rooting any android phone so read here Why Root Android Phone. if you want to root any android phone read here How To Root Any Android Phone. after rooting your phone works like awesome and speed up you can edit many things after rooting but one thing is after root your android phone your phones warranty will be void but don’t worry there is always a way so here is i gonna show you How To Unroot Any Android after rooting so i gonna show you all working method’s to unroot any anroid phone.

How To Unroot Any Android:

1) Method:
This will work for about 99% of all Android device so chances are that it will work for your phone.

1. Open ES FIle Explorer

2. Tap on Otptions > Settings > Check mark “Root Explorer” > Check mark “Mount File System”

3. Go back and tap the favorite (located on top of the screen) and tap the “/”.

4. Go to “System” > “Bin” > Delete “su”(If you can’t find the su file it’s okay. Not all su files are put here)

5. Go back to “System” > “Xbin” > Delete “su” You might have it in “Bin”,”Xbin” or in both places. As long as you have it in 1 of the places your fine.

6. Go back to “System” > “App” > Delete “SuperUser” apk. You are now unrooted!

2) Method:
If you have custom recovery installed, it will not remove that (you will have to re-install stock recovery or re-install stock firmware), but this will remove root completely for devices that only have root installed.  (E.g. if you have a rooted Droid Razr or One X and rooted without installing custom recovery, this method will completely unroot your device and return it to stock.

Step 1:
If you have SuperSU app already (many root methods use SuperSU), you can skip this step.  If you have SuperUser app installed, download and install SuperSU app (free)  from Play Store.

Step 2:
Run the SuperSU app, go to Settings, and choose “Full unroot”.  That’s it! You can reboot your phone and should find your Android device completely unrooted.  If you still see SuperSU or Superuser app in your drawer, simply uninstall using Play Store.


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